א Sinaiticus (4c.) A Alexandrinus (5c.) B Vaticanus (4c.) C Ephraemi Syri Rescriptus (5c.) Dea Bezae Cantabrigiensis (5c.) Dp Claromontanus (5 c.) G Boernerianus (9c.) θ Koridethianus (9c.) 𝔐 Majority text ° The word following in the text is omitted by the witnesses cited. ⸋⸌ The words, clauses, or sentences between these signs are omitted by the witnesses cited. ⸀ The word following in the text is replaced with one or more words by the witnesses cited. ⸂⸃ The words between these signs are replaced with other words by the witnesses cited. ⸆ This sign marks the location where one or more words, sometimes a whole verse, are inserted by the witnesses cited. ⸉⸊ The words between these signs are transposed by the witnesses cited. ˸ A raised colon indicates a variant form of punctuation. ⸈ The word or verse of text is transposed as indicated in the apparatus. • Apparatus section marker | Separates instances of variation from each other from within a single verse or section of the apparatus. ¦ Separates the various alternative readings from each other within a single instance of variation. () Witnesses which show only minor differences are noted in parentheses. [] Brackets enclose variants of punctuation. txt Introduces the list of witnesses supporting the text of this edition. pc pauci (a few) al alii (others) cet ceteri (some others) pm permulti (a great many) rell reliqui (the rest) it Itala (Old Italic) vg Vulgate latt all Latin witnesses sy Syriac