Welcome to my professional web site. I am a linguist living abroad. This site is about my professional interests, which are fairly broad, but all tied (one way or another) to language and linguistics. I am posting material here, partly to help me keep track of stuff, but mostly to make it available to other people. If you are interested in any of this, please feel free to send me an email.

After about ten years, now in 2023 I have updated the site (mostly behind-the-scenes). This has occasioned many reflections about how programming has changed in the last ten years.

And if this site seems a bit sad, please be assured that I have other interests as well, some of which I discuss on my personal blog.


Free Software (Serious)

Free Software (Silly)


Contact Info

If you are interested in any of the work described above, I would be pleased to discuss it with you. I can be reached through the email address below, where following standard form “at” and “dot” must be replaced with the usual symbols.

adamb924 at gmail dot com

All contents © 2024 Adam Baker, except where otherwise noted.